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Principal’s Desk

“If you tell somebody something, you've forever
robbed them of the opportunity to discover it for themselves.”
― Curt Gabrielson

Experience of 30 years of teaching in the classrooms has taught me that children are not “empty vessels” to be filled with knowledge but instead capable partners to construct the knowledge; active participants in making meaning of their own learning.

  • Constructivism refers to construct knowledge rather than just passively take in information.
  • Assimilation refers to the process of taking new information and fitting it into an existing schema.
  • Accommodation refers to using newly acquired information in real life. Missing even a single step from above three mars the process of knowledge. Apart from this process of knowledge, values that are inculcated in the students through life of teachers and characters they study pave their way of life. Vishwabharati has shown the world these path of constructing knowledge and touching students’ life as a whole. The National Education Policy 2020, new international perceptions and IT will boost our decades old work.

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